We are immersed in a vast sea of energy. This energy extends from our cells to the farthest reaches of the universe. To be more accurate, it begins from the farthest reaches of the universe and combined with the energy from the earth, creates and governs every aspect of who we are.
Our tendencies, traits, physicality, thinking, emotions and spirit, work in concert with this energy field. Our embryonic period and time of birth are imprinted with specific energetic patterns that govern our makeup and tendencies. However, it’s important to note that nothing in the universe is fixed or static. Energy is in constant change, flow or transformation, to varying degrees and time periods, and so too, are we.
It is this process of change and transformation via natural cycles and patterns, that produces observable, and to varying degrees, predictable tendencies. The seasons are a good example of this. No two summers are exactly the same, but they share similar and somewhat predictable environmental characteristics.
For human beings, we all have general tendencies and characteristics, however, our environment also plays a part in how and when and to what degree we express these characteristics. Our environment can include our place of birth, our family environment, relatives, friends, teachers, experiences, pressures, diet, health, wellbeing and stage of life, to name but a few.
Being able to harmonise and flow with the natural energetic currents, offers us the greatest chance to for a harmonious and smooth life.
A deeper understanding of ourselves and others, through this knowledge, can also bring a greater sense of appreciation and understanding, in our day to day relationships with others.
Where this particular astrology, differs from modern horoscopes, is how closely it aligns to the rhythms and cycles of nature. These energetic cycles are constantly changing, much like the seasons, and the aim is to align with these cycles in all facets of our being and desires.
This astrology is generally known as Oriental Astrology. And it is certainly heavily influenced by ancient Chinese and Japanese thinking.
However, there is a lot of evidence and records to show that these principles and ideas were recorded in earlier civilisations including the Vedic traditions in India, ancient Persia, Sumer and Egypt, going back 7000 years.
Using the Oriental terminology, the basis of this understanding comes from the interpretation and application of the philosophies of Yin and Yang, and the 5 Elements.
Simple put, Yin and Yang are terms used, to represent the two complimentary and antagonistic forces that interact to create all phenomena in the universe.
Everything can be classified as having a more yin or yang tendency, to varying degrees, and most importantly, relative to something else.
The 5 Elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water are transformational stages or expressions of energy between the extremes of Yin and Yang. Each preceding element supports, creates or enhances the the following one, which makes it easy to start to see the eternal cycle and flow of life.
This particular astrology evolved further to incorporate the iChing, the 12 Chinese animals and 60 year energetic cycle. The result culminated in identifying 9 different energetic characteristics, cycles and patterns, that govern our environment and the human condition.
See the 9 Personality types below.