I was first introduced to Oriental Philosophy around 30 years ago. I was fortunate to be able to study directly with several masters and many great teachers, around the world.
I received professional training in the areas of philosophy, cosmology & astrology, natural health & diagnosis, face reading, palmistry, shiatsu, feng shui and various other esoteric fields including the energetics of thinking and emotions and Toaism. I was part of the teaching staff of the Kushi Institute, Amsterdam, and taught classes and spoke at various events in the UK.
My study and long term interest in this field of human nature and destiny, has been greatly enhanced from travelling around the world. I have lived in 6 different countries, and travelled to a further 45 countries over 5 continents.
I have personally followed the philosophies outlined here, which has brought me much luck and good fortune. In addition to my studies I have also had a successful career as a musician on the West End, Broadway and performed as a guest artist with many of the world’s leading Symphony Orchestras.